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After a mutual admiration arose among them in 2015, the Portuguese writer and director Tiago Rodrigues proposed to the pair of performers and choreographers Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz to participate in his new project.

Applying much of the vocal work and language that this pair of artists had researched and developed throughout their career, Rodrigues rewrote Shakespeare’s great tragedy of love  – perhaps the greatest work of all time about love – and with a minimalist setting, it manages, using words, to generate a complex universe, where the tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra becomes a serene landscape, without ceasing to be brutal.

After conquering the Festival of Avignon in 2016, (and again in 2017, with the new show O sopro) and after By heart, Bovary, and of this work that we are presenting, Tiago Rodrigues considers himself already one of the great voices of  European theatre. Antonio e Cleopatra has been performed in English, French and Portuguese in theatres around the world.


Cast & Crew

Text: Tiago Rodrigues with quotes from Antony & Cleopatra by William Shakespeare.

Cast: Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz.

Scenography: Ângela Rocha.

Wardrobe:  Ângela Rocha & Magda Bizarro.

Lighting design: Nuno Meira.

Music: Extracts from the soundtrack of the film Cleopatra (1963) by Alex North.

Artistic Collaboration: Maria João Serrão & Thomas Walgrave.

Furniture: Decor Galamba.

Production: TNDM II starting from an original creation by the companyMundo Perfeito.

Co-production: Centro Cultural de Belém, Centro Cultural Vila Flôr and Temps d’Images.

Executive production during première: Magda Bizarro & Rita Mendes.

Artist residence: Teatro do Campo Alegre, TNSJ & Alkantara.

Acknowledgments:  Ana Mónica, Ângelo Rocha, Carlos Mendonça, Luísa Taveira, Manuela Santos, Toninho Neto, Rui CarvalhoHomem, Salvador Santos & Bomba Suicida.

Collaboration: Museu de Marinha.

Première:  December, 1994. Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon.Portugal.